Distribution Of Mask And Soap

Distribution Of Mask And Soap

Program Location : Shivganj& Gosainganj
Program Date : 17-Jul-2022
Program Description
Masks and soaps were distributed by the Indian Red Cross to the health workers and the visiting patients and their relatives at the Health Fair Primary Health Center Gosaiganj and Shivganj. Dhirendra Kumar Singh, Deputy Chairman of the Red Cross told the patients who came in the sun to cover the head and drink more and more water so that there is no shortage of water in the body, and wash your hands while eating food. If you keep it, the disease will run away. On this occasion, Dr. GN Mishra, Dr. Shaheen Bano, Chinta Pandey, Gurudev, Rita, Ram Dhani Verma, Harishchandra Shukla, Bankelal and Bankelal were present.

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