Seminar For De-addiction And Awareness Campaign For Protection From Heat Stroke

Seminar For De-addiction And Awareness Campaign For Protection From Heat Stroke

Program Location : in Vinoba Nagar
Program Date : 31-May-2024
Program Description
"You also wake up, wake others up too"
"Tell everyone about the harms of addiction" With this feeling, today on 31/5/24 at 8 am on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, a seminar was organized by Chairman Dr. Anurag Srivastava for awareness campaign for de-addiction in Vinoba Nagar under the joint aegis of Indian Red Cross Society and Dr. Satyanarayan Seva Foundation and a homeopathic medicine distribution program was organized to protect from the heat wave. Dr. Anurag said that never consume such things that we have to spit. Do not make your mouth a dustbin. Eat good things with the same money and get energy and also contribute to the society. To make your life healthy and happy, do not use any kind of intoxicants at all. Patron of Indian Red Cross Society Mahendra Shukla said that there is a risk of diseases like cancer due to consumption of tobacco products, the treatment of which is also very expensive. Thereafter, Dr. Anurag provided homeopathic medicine to all the citizens and children present to protect them from the heat wave. Thereafter, everyone Dr Anurag made a pledge for de-addiction. Then along with all the villagers, a rally was taken out in Vinoba Nagar village to give the message of de-addiction. All the villagers were walking while shouting the slogan "We all have determined together to drive away drug addiction". On this occasion Sarvesh Gupta, Acharya Ramnarayan along with Indian Red Cross Society Disabled Cell convenor Chaitanya Kumar were present.

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